Sunday, September 28, 2014

Reading Risks

First of all working two jobs and going to college makes finding time for reading fairly difficult but somehow I still manage to. If I didn't I would probably lose my mind though so there's that.

Now to talk about reading risks. Do you ever have an author that you absolutely love then a book comes out of theirs that you're unsure if you'll like? Your thoughts are similar to, "I like this author so much but what if I read this book and I don't like it? What will I do?! I'll be so disappointed I won't want to read any of their newer books!"

Of course this is a risk with all authors which I've experienced but I was having this particular problem with Maggie Stiefvater. I loved Shiver and the entire series as well as The Scorpio Races, Lament, and Ballad, but I was completely unsure about reading The Raven Boys. The inside cover didn't grab me quite as much and it sounded confusing, although if you've read Maggie Stiefvater you know all her books tend to be a bit confusing since she switches characters point of view every chapter.

However, I am about half way through The Raven Boys and so far I'm not disappointed in comparison to her other books. She sticks to her same style of writing and keeps you guessing every step of the way. As well as getting you to fall in love with certain characters and ending their chapters with the reader on the edge of their seats so they must read 4 more chapters from different characters. just to get back to the few characters they love.

This risk is one that you should be willing to take if you love the author that much. Even if the book is a disappointment doesn't mean you have to love their others books less. Readers can't expect perfection every time and what may be a disappointment to you may be perfection to a different type of reader.

"I must respect the opinions of others even if I disagree with them." -Maya Angelou